Sometimes when you look back at the people you went to high school with, you see all the different things they have accomplished. You see all the talent that they have and you start to wonder "What's my talent? What can I do?"
Everyone has a different talent. Some people are musically inclined, some people its smarts, some people its their athletic ability. Everyone has a talent... so what's mine?
I hear my husband and my close friends and family tell me that I'm a great person, that I'm loving, things like that. But is that a talent? Is that not just my personality?
I think I need to take the person God has made me into, and show the world that I am talented too. I have an imagination, I'm not stupid, I believe I can do things. The thing I lack is drive. I know everyone has a talent be it one thing or another. The difference in me and someone famous, rich, and well known is the drive. Its the dedication to make yourself known. I don't want to be famous or a movie star or anything like that, however I do know I want to be PROUD of who I am.
I know a lot of times I don't see the good in me. I don't see the talent and gifts I've been given. I also know there are a lot of people out there who also don't see themselves in that light.
What can we do to change that? Changing your views on yourself is such a hard thing to do.
The first and simplest thing I am trying to do, is when I get a complement I will say "Thank you." Most of the time when I get a complement, I start talking about someone else, or I'll say "Oh, OK your crazy." When my husband tells me I'm beautiful most of the time I tell him, "Don't go get your eyes checked, I know you'll end up leaving me." I always say it in a fun joking way, but if I didn't believe what I was telling him then why would I always say it?!?!?
Today, I will start to make a conscience effort to say "Thank you" when I get complemented. I will make an effort to see what it is that others see in me that way I can believe in my "talents" and show the world how gifted I am.
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